AbstractRealizing genetic circuits on single DNA molecules as self-encoded dissipative nanodevices is a major step toward miniaturization of autonomous biological systems. A circuit operating on a single DNA implies that genetically encoded proteins localize during coupled transcription-translation to DNA, but a single-molecule measurement demonstrating this has remained a challenge. Here, we use a genetically encoded fluorescent reporter system with improved temporal resolution and observe the synthesis of individual proteins tethered to a DNA molecule by transient complexes of RNA polymerase, messenger RNA, and ribosome. Against expectations in dilute cell-free conditions where equilibrium considerations favor dispersion, these nascent proteins linger long enough to regulate cascaded reactions on the same DNA. We rationally design a pulsatile genetic circuit by encoding an activator and repressor in feedback on the same DNA molecule. Driven by the local synthesis of only several proteins per hour and gene, the circuit dynamics exhibit enhanced variability between individual DNA molecules, and fluctuations with a broad power spectrum. Our results demonstrate that co-expressional localization, as a nonequilibrium process, facilitates single-DNA genetic circuits as dissipative nanodevices, with implications for nanobiotechnology applications and artificial cell design.
Israel Science Foundation
United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation
Minerva Foundation
Isak Ferdinand and Dwosia Artmann Research Fund for Biological Physics
European Molecular Biology Organization
German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Human Frontier Science Program
Springer Science and Business Media LLC