Maintenance of pluripotency-like signature in the entire ectoderm leads to neural crest stem cell potential


Pajanoja CerenORCID,Hsin JennyORCID,Olinger Bradley,Schiffmacher AndrewORCID,Yazejian RitaORCID,Abrams ShaunORCID,Dapkunas ArvydasORCID,Zainul Zarin,Doyle Andrew D.,Martin DanielORCID,Kerosuo LauraORCID


AbstractThe ability of the pluripotent epiblast to contribute progeny to all three germ layers is thought to be lost after gastrulation. The later-forming neural crest (NC) rises from ectoderm and it remains poorly understood how its exceptionally high stem-cell potential to generate mesodermal- and endodermal-like derivatives is obtained. Here, we monitor transcriptional changes from gastrulation to neurulation using single-cell-Multiplex-Spatial-Transcriptomics (scMST) complemented with RNA-sequencing. We show maintenance of pluripotency-like signature (Nanog, Oct4/PouV, Klf4-positive) in undecided pan-ectodermal stem-cells spanning the entire ectoderm late during neurulation with ectodermal patterning completed only at the end of neurulation when the pluripotency-like signature becomes restricted to NC, challenging our understanding of gastrulation. Furthermore, broad ectodermal pluripotency-like signature is found at multiple axial levels unrelated to the NC lineage the cells later commit to, suggesting a general role in stemness enhancement and proposing a mechanism by which the NC acquires its ability to form derivatives beyond “ectodermal-capacity” in chick and mouse embryos.


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | NIH | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

Academy of Finland

Sigrid Juséliuksen Säätiö

Emil Aaltosen Säätiö

Lasten Syöpäsäätiö Väreen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Chemistry,Multidisciplinary







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