Conserved chromatin and repetitive patterns reveal slow genome evolution in frogs


Bredeson Jessen V.ORCID,Mudd Austin B.,Medina-Ruiz Sofia,Mitros Therese,Smith Owen KabnickORCID,Miller Kelly E.,Lyons Jessica B.ORCID,Batra Sanjit S.,Park Joseph,Berkoff Kodiak C.ORCID,Plott ChristopherORCID,Grimwood JaneORCID,Schmutz JeremyORCID,Aguirre-Figueroa Guadalupe,Khokha Mustafa K.ORCID,Lane Maura,Philipp Isabelle,Laslo MaraORCID,Hanken JamesORCID,Kerdivel Gwenneg,Buisine Nicolas,Sachs Laurent M.ORCID,Buchholz Daniel R.,Kwon TaejoonORCID,Smith-Parker HeidiORCID,Gridi-Papp MarcosORCID,Ryan Michael J.,Denton Robert D.,Malone John H.ORCID,Wallingford John B.,Straight Aaron F.ORCID,Heald RebeccaORCID,Hockemeyer DirkORCID,Harland Richard M.ORCID,Rokhsar Daniel S.ORCID


AbstractFrogs are an ecologically diverse and phylogenetically ancient group of anuran amphibians that include important vertebrate cell and developmental model systems, notably the genus Xenopus. Here we report a high-quality reference genome sequence for the western clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis, along with draft chromosome-scale sequences of three distantly related emerging model frog species, Eleutherodactylus coqui, Engystomops pustulosus, and Hymenochirus boettgeri. Frog chromosomes have remained remarkably stable since the Mesozoic Era, with limited Robertsonian (i.e., arm-preserving) translocations and end-to-end fusions found among the smaller chromosomes. Conservation of synteny includes conservation of centromere locations, marked by centromeric tandem repeats associated with Cenp-a binding surrounded by pericentromeric LINE/L1 elements. This work explores the structure of chromosomes across frogs, using a dense meiotic linkage map for X. tropicalis and chromatin conformation capture (Hi-C) data for all species. Abundant satellite repeats occupy the unusually long (~20 megabase) terminal regions of each chromosome that coincide with high rates of recombination. Both embryonic and differentiated cells show reproducible associations of centromeric chromatin and of telomeres, reflecting a Rabl-like configuration. Our comparative analyses reveal 13 conserved ancestral anuran chromosomes from which contemporary frog genomes were constructed.


U.S. Department of Health & Human Services | National Institutes of Health

National Science Foundation

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (PEPS ExoMod “Triton”) Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle

Institute for Basic Science

National Research Foundation of Korea

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Physics and Astronomy,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Chemistry,Multidisciplinary

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