1. Reimers, Mitt. Forsch. Inst. Textilstoffe Karlsruhe, 109 (1922). Balls, Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 93, 426 (1922). Dischendorfer, Angew. Bot., 7, 57 (1925). Steinbrinck, Naturwiss., 15, 978 (1927). Herzog and Jancke, Z. phys. Chem., A 139, 235 (1928). van Iterson, Chem. Weekbl., 30, 6 (1933). Preston and Astbury, Proc. Roy. Soc., B, 122, 76 (1937). Frey-Wyssling, "Submicroscopic Morphology of Protoplasm and its Derivatives" (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1948).
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