1. Barbenel, J C, Jordan, M M, Nicol, S M & Clark, M O (1977). Incidence of pressure sores in the Greater Glasgow Health Board Area. Lancet, 10, 548–550.
2. Cox, L A (1974). An Interim Report on the Nursing Project into the Management of Spinal Paralysis. Royal Perth Hospital, Australia. (Internal report.)
3. Davies, R V (1978). The Long Term Monitoring of Wheelchair Patient Activity with Special Reference to the Pressure Sore Problem. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
4. Ferguson-Pell, M W (1977). Critical Assessment of the Effects of Pressure with Special Reference to the Development of Pressure Sores. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
5. Ferguson-Pell, M W & Wilkie, I C (1978). Discussion contribution to Strathclyde Bioengineering Seminars, ‘Rehabilitation of the Disabled’. Ed. R. M. Kenedi. Macmillan. (In preparation.)