1. Waksman, S. A., Umbreit, W. W., and Cordon, T. C., "Thermophilic Actinomycetes and Fungi in Soils and Composts", Soil Science, 47, 37 (1939).
2. Baker, F., and Martin, R., "Disintegration of Cell-Wall Substances in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract of Herbivora" (with references to previous publications, 1931–1937), NATURE, 141, 877 (1938).
3. Baker, F., and Martin, R., "Studies in the Microbiology of the Caecum of the Horse", Z. Bakt., Abt. II, 99 (1939).
4. Bailey, I. W., and Vestal, M. R., "The Significance of Certain Wood-destroying Fungi in the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose", J. Arnold Arboretum, 18, 198 (1937).