Flutter Discrimination: neural codes, perception, memory and decision making


Romo Ranulfo,Salinas Emilio


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Neuroscience

Reference122 articles.

1. Werner, G. & Mountcastle, V. B. Neural activity in mechanoreceptive cutaneous afferents: stimulus–response relations, Weber functions, and information transmission. J. Neurophysiol. 28, 359–397 (1965). The authors characterized how the amplitude of a mechanical indentation delivered to the skin is encoded by primary afferents in anaesthetized monkeys. Along with reference 3, this work on neural codes represents one of the earliest attempts to relate neural activity to human psychophysics in a quantitative way. The use of information theory is impressive, even by today's standards.

2. Mountcastle, V. B., Talbot, W. H., Darian-Smith, I. & Kornhuber, H. H. Neural basis of the sense of flutter-vibration. Science 155, 597–600 (1967).

3. Talbot, W. H., Darian-Smith, I., Kornhuber, H. H. & Mountcastle, V. B. The sense of flutter-vibration: comparison of the human capacity with response patterns of mechanoreceptive afferents from the monkey hand. J. Neurophysiol. 31, 301–334 (1968). A landmark paper. The authors showed that the sensations produced by low- and high-frequency mechanical vibrations are transmitted by separate sets of afferent fibres. They described the receptive fields of three types of mechanoreceptors and thoroughly characterized their responses as functions of stimulus amplitude and frequency. They compared psychometric detection curves from humans to their neurometric counterparts from primary afferents of anaesthetized monkeys. The idea was to “explain the behavioural capacity of the first in terms of the dynamic encoding properties of the latter.”

4. LaMotte, R. H. & Mountcastle, V. B. The capacities of humans and monkeys to discriminate between vibratory stimuli of different frequency and amplitude: a correlation between neural events and psychological measurements. J. Neurophysiol. 38, 539–559 (1975).

5. Mountcastle, V. B., Steinmetz, M. A. & Romo, R. Frequency discrimination in the sense of flutter: psychophysical measurements correlated with postcentral events in behaving monkeys. J. Neurosci. 10, 3032–3044 (1990).

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