Evolutionary analysis of resident groups’ intention to participate in green retrofit PPP projects of traditional apartment complexes


Yang Yaohong,Sun Ruicong,Wang Yonghao,Zhu Mengjuan,Yang Peishu


AbstractGreen retrofit PPP projects of traditional apartment complexes play an important role in promoting the green and low-carbon transformation of the construction industry and achieving China's "double carbon" goals. The integrated retrofit of apartment complexes presupposes that the resident groups agree to the retrofit. Therefore, it is necessary to study the evolutionary mechanism of residents' intention to green retrofit and the transformation process of their behavior, and to explore how to enhance residents' intention to participate. First, the dissemination model of residents' intention to green retrofit is constructed. Then, the strategic interaction among government, social capitals and residents under the PPP model is introduced into the dissemination model to define the state transformation probability of resident groups. Finally, the evolution laws of residents' intention to green retrofit are analyzed. The results show that: (1) the behavior of government regulation and social capitals' effort to retrofit can motivate the number of the resident agreeing to green retrofit to meet the proportional limit, (2) the faster the government chooses the strategy of regulation and the social capitals choose the strategy of effort to retrofit, the faster the number of residents agreeing to green retrofit reaches a steady state, (3) when the level of government publicity and education is too low, the cost of government regulation or the subsidy given to residents is too high, the green retrofit of traditional apartment complexes cannot be achieved. The research conclusions can provide a reference for the government to formulate green retrofit policies.


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Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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