Dynamic monitoring of vital functions and tissue re-organization in Saturnia pavonia (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) during final metamorphosis by non-invasive MRI


Laussmann Tim,Urspruch Paul,Flocke Vera,Windfelder Anton G.,Aberle Hermann,Lunau Klaus,Flögel Ulrich


AbstractMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the key whole-body imaging technology for observing processes within a living object providing excellent resolution and contrast between soft tissues. In the present work, we exploited the non-destructive properties of MRI to track longitudinally the dynamic changes that take place in developing pupae of the Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia) during the last days before eclosion. While in diapause pupae, body fluid was almost homogeneously distributed over the internal compartments, as soon as wings, legs, flight muscles and the head region were fully developed, a significant redistribution of water levels occurred between thoracic and abdominal regions. During the last two days before eclosion, the developing moths transferred substantial amounts of liquid into the gut and the labial gland, and in case of females, into developing eggs. Concomitantly, the volume of the air sacs increased drastically and their expansion/compression became clearly visible in time-resolved MR images. Furthermore, besides ventilation of the tracheal system, air sacs are likely to serve as volume reservoir for liquid transfer during development of the moths inside their pupal case. In parallel, we were able to monitor noninvasively lipid consumption, cardiac activity and haemolymph circulation during final metamorphosis.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf. Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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