Mineral and heavy metal content in dry dog foods with different main animal components


Kępińska-Pacelik Jagoda,Biel Wioletta,Witkowicz Robert,Podsiadło Cezary


AbstractDog caregivers, mainly for economic reasons and easy availability, choose dry, over the counter diets (OTC). The mineral composition of OTC foods depends primarily on the components used in the production of the pet food. Regardless of the main component of the food, it must meet the recommended minimum mineral content, established by nutritional guidelines. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the mineral (Ca, K, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Mo) and heavy metal content (Pb, Co, Cd, Cr, Ni) using the methods of colorimetry and mass spectrometry, of OTC dry dog foods and to compare with the FEDIAF and AAFCO nutritional guidelines. Dry foods pose no risk to dogs in terms of heavy metal content. The worst results in terms of mineral content were obtained in mixed foods, therefore it is worth considering feeding the dog a mono-protein food. The PCA analysis disproved our hypothesis and revealed that the main animal source did not statistically significantly affect the levels of minerals and their ratios. However, the analysis of contrasts confirms the differentiation of the content of individual minerals between the groups of foods. For the first time, we proved that pet food with a mineral composition similar to the MIN-RL may be characterized by unfavorable mineral ratios.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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