Normalized difference vegetation index as the dominant predicting factor of groundwater recharge in phreatic aquifers: case studies across Iran


Parizi Esmaeel,Hosseini Seiyed Mossa,Ataie-Ashtiani Behzad,Simmons Craig T.


AbstractThe estimation of long-term groundwater recharge rate ($${GW}_{r}$$ GW r ) is a pre-requisite for efficient management of groundwater resources, especially for arid and semi-arid regions. Precise estimation of $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r is probably the most difficult factor of all measurements in the evaluation of GW resources, particularly in semi-arid regions in which the recharge rate is typically small and/or regions with scarce hydrogeological data. The main objective of this study is to find and assess the predicting factors of $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r at an aquifer scale. For this purpose, 325 Iran’s phreatic aquifers (61% of Iran’s aquifers) were selected based on the data availability and the effect of eight predicting factors were assessed on $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r estimation. The predicting factors considered include Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), mean annual temperature ($$T$$ T ), the ratio of precipitation to potential evapotranspiration ($${P/ET}_{P}$$ P / E T P ), drainage density ($${D}_{d}$$ D d ), mean annual specific discharge ($${Q}_{s}$$ Q s ), Mean Slope ($$S$$ S ), Soil Moisture ($${SM}_{90}$$ SM 90 ), and population density ($${Pop}_{d}$$ Pop d ). The local and global Moran’s I index, geographically weighted regression (GWR), and two-step cluster analysis served to support the spatial analysis of the results. The eight predicting factors considered are positively correlated to $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r and the NDVI has the greatest influence followed by the $$P/{ET}_{P}$$ P / ET P and $${SM}_{90}$$ SM 90 . In the regression model, NDVI solely explained 71% of the variation in $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r , while other drivers have only a minor modification (3.6%). The results of this study provide new insight into the complex interrelationship between $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r and vegetation density indicated by the NDVI. The findings of this study can help in better estimation of $${GW}_{r}$$ GW r especially for the phreatic aquifers that the hydrogeological ground-data requisite for establishing models are scarce.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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