Dental tissue remineralization by bioactive calcium phosphate nanoparticles formulations


Ionescu Andrei CristianORCID,Degli Esposti LorenzoORCID,Iafisco MicheleORCID,Brambilla EugenioORCID


AbstractRecent health care products are based on formulations claimed to provide enamel remineralization and dentinal tubules occlusion through calcium-phosphate bioactive nanocompounds (ion-doped hydroxyapatite and precursor, amorphous calcium phosphate nanoparticles). This study aimed to characterize, test, and compare for the first time the structure and performance of a representative, market-available sample of remineralizing toothpastes and topical mousses. Formulations were characterized to determine their composition and investigate the presence of bioactive compounds and doping elements. A conventional fluoride-containing toothpaste was used as reference. The enamel remineralization and efficacy of dentinal tubules occlusion by tested formulations were investigated ex vivo on human hard tissues. All formulations containing Ca-P bioactive nanocompounds showed remineralizing ability by epitaxial growth of a layer showing the morphology and composition of human hydroxyapatite. Such layers also embedded nanosilica clusters. The presence of doping elements or casein phosphopeptide seemed essential to allow such performances, especially when hydroxyapatite and amorphous calcium phosphate compounds were doped with small amounts of CO32−, F, Mg2+, and Sr2+. Topical mousse formulations showed a higher tubules occlusion capability than toothpastes, independently from their composition. Therefore, all tested formulations could be useful in restoring tooth structures in a biomimetic way, contrasting dental demineralization processes leading to caries.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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