Pathways for the formation of ice polymorphs from water predicted by a metadynamics method


Nada Hiroki


AbstractThe mechanism of how ice crystal form has been extensively studied by many researchers but remains an open question. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are a useful tool for investigating the molecular-scale mechanism of crystal formation. However, the timescale of phenomena that can be analyzed by MD simulations is typically restricted to microseconds or less, which is far too short to explore ice crystal formation that occurs in real systems. In this study, a metadynamics (MTD) method was adopted to overcome this timescale limitation of MD simulations. An MD simulation combined with the MTD method, in which two discrete oxygen–oxygen radial distribution functions represented by Gaussian window functions were used as collective variables, successfully reproduced the formation of several different ice crystals when the Gaussian window functions were set at appropriate oxygen–oxygen distances: cubic ice, stacking disordered ice consisting of cubic ice and hexagonal ice, high-pressure ice VII, layered ice with an ice VII structure, and layered ice with an unknown structure. The free-energy landscape generated by the MTD method suggests that the formation of each ice crystal occurred via high-density water with a similar structure to the formed ice crystal. The present method can be used not only to study the mechanism of crystal formation but also to search for new crystals in real systems.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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