Lu HsuehJui,Yoshinaga Tsukasa,Li ChungGang,Nozaki Kazunori,Iida Akiyoshi,Tsubokura Makoto
AbstractA numerical simulation of sibilant /s/ production with the realistically moving vocal tract was conducted to investigate the flow and acoustic characteristics during the articulation process of velopharyngeal closure and tongue movement. The articulation process was simulated from the end of /u/ to the middle of /s/ in the Japanese word /usui/, including the tongue elevation and the velopharyngeal valve closure. The time-dependent vocal tract geometry was reconstructed from the computed tomography scan. The moving immersed boundary method with the hierarchical structure grid was adopted to approach the complex geometry of the human speech organs. The acoustic characteristics during the co-articulation process were observed and consistent with the acoustic measurement for the subject of the scan. The further simulations with the different closing speeds of the velopharyngeal closure showed that the far-field sound during the co-articulation process was amplified with the slower closing case, and the velum closure speed was inverse proportional to the sound amplitude with the slope value of − 35.3 dB s/m. This indicates possible phonation of indistinguishable aeroacoustics sound between /u/ and /s/ with slower velopharyngeal closure.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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