1. Stenlund, M. A field study of the timber wolf (Canis lupus) on the Superior National Forest, Minnesota. 4 (Minnesota Department of Conservation, St. Paul, MN, 1955).
2. Fuller, T. K., Berg, W. E., Radde, G. L., Lenarz, M. S. & Joselyn, G. B. A history and current estimate of wolf distribution and numbers in Minnesota. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 1973–2006(20), 42–55 (1992).
3. Erb, J., Humpal, C. et al. Minnesota Wolf Population Update 2020 (2020).
4. Salazar announces recovery of gray wolves in the western great lakes, removal from threatened and endangered species list (Accessed December 4, 2022). https://tinyurl.com/5jmjpnfv (2011).
5. Minnesota’s 2012 wolf hunting and trapping season (Accessed December 4, 2022). https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/news/minnesotas-2012-wolf-hunting-and-trapping-season (2012).