Thin film flow and heat transfer of Cu-nanofluids with slip and convective boundary condition over a stretching sheet


Shahzad Azeem,Liaqat Fakhira,Ellahi Zaffer,Sohail Muhammad,Ayub Muhammad,Ali Mohamed R.


AbstractThe flow and heat transfer in thin film of Cu-nanofluid over a stretching sheet by considering different shape factors (platelets, blades, bricks, sphere and cylinder) along with slip and convective boundary conditions is investigated. The governing partial differential equations are converted to nonlinear ordinary differential equations by means of suitable similarity transformation and then solved by using BVP4C in MATLAB. The physical significance of various parameters on velocity and temperature profiles are investigated and provided in the form of table and also presented graphically. It is noted that the Platelet-shaped nanoparticles has the highest heat transfer rate as compare to other particle’s shapes.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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