Analyzing temperature, humidity, and precipitation trends in six regions of Thailand using innovative trend analysis


Kliengchuay Wissanupong,Mingkhwan Rachaneekorn,Kiangkoo Nuttapohn,Suwanmanee San,Sahanavin Narut,Kongpran Jira,Aung Htoo Wai,Tantrakarnapa Kraichat


AbstractThe change of temperature and weather parameters is a major concern affecting sustainable development and impacting various sectors, such as agriculture, tourism, and industry. Changing weather patterns and their impact on water resources are important climatic factors that society is facing. In Thailand, climatological features such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation play a substantial role in affecting extreme weather events, which cause damage to the economy, agriculture, tourism, and livelihood of people. To investigate recent serious changes in annual trends of temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation in Thailand, this study used the Mann–Kendall (MK) test and innovative trend analysis (ITA) methods. The MK test showed that all six regions had an upward trend in temperature and humidity index (humidex, how hot the weather feels to the average person), while relative humidity and precipitation showed both upward and downward trends across different regions. The ITA method further confirmed the upward trend in temperature and humidex and showed that most data points fell above the 1:1 line. However, the upward trend in most variables was not significant at the 5% level. The southern and eastern regions showed a significant upward trend in relative humidity and humidex at a 5% level of significance according to the MK test. The output of this study can help in the understanding of weather variations and predict future situations and can be used for adaptation strategies.


National Research Council of Thailand


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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