Assessing external exposome by implementing an Environmental Data Management System using Open Data


Tagliaferro Sofia,Maio Sara,Pirona Federico,Stanisci Ilaria,Sarno Giuseppe,Silvi Patrizia,Kermenidou Marianthi,Papaioannou Nafsika,Perchard Reena,Prpic Igor,Polanska Kinga,Jerzynska Joanna,Ramos Elisabete,Rovira Joaquim,Belmonte Jordina,Snoj Tratnik Janja Snoj,Horvat Milena,Kocman David,Spiric Zdravko,Zickella Jacqueline,Fasola Salvatore,La Grutta Stefania,Malizia Velia,Montalbano Laura,Keijser Bart,Kieboom Jasper,Larsen Martin,Schumacher Marta,van den Broek Tim,Villette Rémy,Baiz Nour,Barros Henrique,Bartzis John,Ahmad Norhidayah Binti,Bocca Beatrice,Brescianini Sonia,Calamandrei Gemma,Chatzimpaloglou Anthoula,Dogliotti Eugenia,Falnoga Ingrid,Fonseca Maria João,Gabriel Catherine,Gamil Amir,Gotti Alberto,Hanke Wojciech,Johnstone Edward,Jurewicz Joanna,Kabesch Michael,Kalska-Sochacka Katarzyna,Karakitsios Spyros,Kocman David,Kumar Vikas,Mazej Darja,Mazzei Filomena,Meccia Ettore,Minghetti Luisa,Nisticò Lorenza,de Oliveira Fernandes Eduardo,Perchard Reena,Pino Anna,Sarigiannis Dimosthenis,Schumacher Marta,Stazi Maria Antonietta,Szcześniak Kamila,Tancredi Patrizia,Silva Gabriela Ventura,Viegi Giovanni,Baldacci Sandra,Annesi-Maesano Isabella, ,


AbstractDue to the increasing importance of exposome in environmental epidemiology, feasibility and usefulness of an Environmental Data Management System (EDMS) using Open Data was evaluated. The EDMS includes data from 10 European cities (Celje (Slovenia), Łódź (Poland), Manchester (UK), Palermo (Italy), Paris (France), Porto (Portugal), Regensburg (Germany), Reus (Spain), Rijeka (Croatia), Thessaloniki (Greece)) about external non-specific and specific exposome factors at the city or country level (2017–2020). Findings showed that the highest values of life expectancy were in Reus females (86 years) and Palermo males (81 years). UK had the highest obesity rate (28%), Croatia the highest prescribed drug consumption (62%), Greece and Portugal the highest smoking rates (37%, 42%) and daily alcohol consumption (21%), respectively. The most polluted cities were Thessaloniki for PM10 (38 µg/m3), Łódź for PM2.5 (25 µg/m3), Porto for NO2 (62 µg/m3) and Rijeka for O3 (92 µg/m3). Thessaloniki had the highest grey space (98%) and Łódź the highest cumulative amount of pollen (39,041 p/m3). The highest daily noise levels ≥ 55 dB was in Reus (81% to traffic) and Regensburg (21% to railway). In drinking water, arsenic had the highest value in Thessaloniki (6.4 µg/L), boron in Celje (24 mg/L) and lead in Paris (46.7 µg/L). Portugal and Greece showed the highest pesticide residues in food (7%). In conclusion, utilizing open-access databases enables the translation of research findings into actionable strategies for public health interventions.


European Commission


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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