Functional groups of rotifers and an exotic species in a tropical shallow lake


Arcifa Marlene Sofia,de Souza Bruno Barretto,de Morais-Junior Cláudio Simões,Bruno Cyntia Goulart Corrêa


AbstractIn freshwater environments the rotifer group may be divided into microphagous and raptorial species regarding their feeding patterns, and such guilds differently interact with other community components. Here, we analyzed the influence of cladocerans, cyclopoid nauplii, temperature, food resources and an exotic species on rotifer guilds, based on weekly samplings for 1 year. We have identified rotifer species and their trophi types in order to separate them into the raptorial and microphagous functional groups. The ratio raptorial:microphagous rotifers (Guild ratio, GR) was used in interaction analyses with cladocerans, nauplii, temperature, food resources and the exotic species Kellicottia bostoniensis. Correlations between total rotifers and food (phytoplankton carbon) and temperature were negative and significant, therefore, these factors did not lead to the increase of rotifer community. On the other hand, microphagous rotifers had opposing relation to cladoceran densities, as GR values showed that they became predominant when cladoceran populations declined. The use of density-based GR was adequate, with similar results compared to biomass-based studies regarding interactions with other organisms. Furthermore, we have found no invasive characteristics for the exotic microphagous rotifer, Kellicottia bostoniensis, and it seems to be outcompeted by the native microphagous species.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo

Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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