Phylogeny and biogeography of the enigmatic ghost lineage Cylindrotomidae (Diptera, Nematocera)


Kania-Kłosok IwonaORCID,Nel AndréORCID,Szwedo JacekORCID,Jordan-Stasiło Wiktoria,Krzemiński WiesławORCID


AbstractGhost lineages have always challenged the understanding of organism evolution. They participate in misinterpretations in phylogenetic, clade dating, biogeographic, and paleoecologic studies. They directly result from fossilization biases and organism biology. The Cylindrotomidae are a perfect example of an unexplained ghost lineage during the Mesozoic, as its sister family Tipulidae is already well diversified during the Cretaceous, while the oldest Cylindrotomidae are Paleogene representatives of the extant genus Cylindrotoma and of the enigmatic fossil genus Cyttaromyia. Here we clarify the phylogenetic position of Cyttaromyia in the stem group of the whole family, suggesting that the crown group of the Cylindrotomidae began to diversify during the Cenozoic, unlike their sister group Tipulidae. We make a comparative analysis of all species in Cyttaromyia, together with the descriptions of the two new species, C. gelhausi sp. nov. and C. freiwaldi sp. nov., and the revision of C. obdurescens. The cylindrotomid biogeography seems to be incongruent with the phylogenetic analysis, the apparently most derived subfamily Stibadocerinae having apparently a ‘Gondwanan’ distribution, with some genera only known from Australia or Chile, while the most inclusive Cylindrotominae are Holarctic.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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