High-speed optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy with MEMS scanner using a novel and simple distortion correction method


Shintate Ryo,Ishii Takuro,Ahn Joongho,Kim Jin Young,Kim Chulhong,Saijo Yoshifumi


AbstractOptical resolution photoacoustic microscopy (OR-PAM) is a remarkable biomedical imaging technique that can selectively visualize microtissues with optical-dependent high resolution. However, traditional OR-PAM using mechanical stages provides slow imaging speed, making it difficult to biologically interpret in vivo tissue. In this study, we developed a high-speed OR-PAM using a recently commercialized MEMS mirror. This system (MEMS-OR-PAM) consists of a 1-axis MEMS mirror and a mechanical stage. Furthermore, this study proposes a novel calibration method that quickly removes the spatial distortion caused by fast MEMS scanning. The proposed calibration method can easily correct distortions caused by both the scan geometry of the MEMS mirror and its nonlinear motion by running an image sequence only once using a ruler target. The combination of MEMS-OR-PAM and distortion correction method was verified using three experiments: (1) leaf skeleton phantom imaging to test the distortion correction efficacy; (2) spatial resolution and depth of field (DOF) measurement for system performance; (3) in-vivo finger capillary imaging to verify their biomedical use. The results showed that the combination could achieve a high-speed (32 s in 2 × 4 mm) and high lateral resolution (~ 6 µm) imaging capability and precisely visualize the circulating structure of the finger capillaries.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science,Japan

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Cabinet Office, Government of Japan

National Research Foundation of Korea


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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