Torrefaction of kraft pulp mills sludges


Moreira Miquelino Eleto Torres Caio,Oliveira Carneiro Angélica de Cássia,Cunha Rodrigues Bruna Virgínia,Foresti Salgado Bravo Marina,Mudadu Silva Claudio


AbstractTorrefaction emerges as an industrial process that increases the energy content of conventional biomass. Primary and secondary sludge are the main solid residues generated in the Effluent Treatment Plants of bleached kraft pulp mills, and can be considered as biomass. Typically, these wastes are sent to industrial landfills. The present study aimed to evaluate the technical feasibility of transforming the primary sludge (PS), secondary sludge (SS) and mixed sludges (MIX) into torrefied biomass for energy generation. Three temperatures (260, 290 and 320 °C) and three residence times (20, 40 and 60′) were used in the sludge torrefaction process. Increasing the torrefaction temperature and residence time of the sludges produced several benefits on their physical and chemical properties. They promoted an increase in the heating value, due to the elimination of less energetic compounds and the concentration of the fixed carbon content; caused a reduction of moisture, with a consequent increase in the lower heating value of the sludges; and led to a high energy yield and an increased energy density, important parameters in sludges energy generation. The treatment at 320 °C for 60′ obtained increases of 76%, 27% and 41% over the reference, for PS, SS and MIX, respectively.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais

Conselho Nacional de Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento Científico


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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