Effects of wood ash and N fertilization on soil chemical properties and growth of Zelkova serrata across soil types


An Ji YoungORCID,Park Byung BaeORCID


AbstractWood ash generated as a by-product of biomass combustion can be a sustainable and reasonable approach to counteract acidification and correct nutrient deficiency in forest soils. We investigated the influence of wood ash (WA) and combined WA + N (nitrogen) on soil chemical properties, growth and foliar nutrients of Zelkova serrata and their potential as a soil amender across different soil types. We applied four levels of WA (0, 5, 10, and 20 Mg ha−1) and two levels of N fertilizer (0 and 150 kg ha−1) across three different soil types: landfill saline (LS) soil, forest infertile (FI) soil, and forest acidic (FA) soil. The WA generally improved soil pH, organic matter, available P, exchangeable cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), and EC of the three soils, but its ameliorating and neutralizing effects were predominant in FA soil. N fertilizer was more effective in improving plant growth, especially for biomass production in LS and FI soils. WA application significantly increased biomass production when it was applied over 5 Mg ha−1 in FA soil, but higher dose rate of WA (i.e. 20 Mg ha−1) seems to pose negative effects. Foliar P, K, and Ca concentrations also tended to increase with the increasing amount of WA. Therefore, lower dosage of WA without N can be applied as a soil amender to counteract forest soil acidity and improve plant growth and foliar nutrient concentration, whereas N fertilizer without WA can be added to correct nutrient soil deficiencies in landfill and infertile soils. This study should enhance our understanding of WA as a sustainable and reasonable approach to counteract acidification and correct nutrient deficiency in forest soils.


Korea Forest Service


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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