Late mortality in survivors of childhood cancer in Hungary


Jakab Zsuzsanna,Garami Miklos,Bartyik Katalin,Csoka Monika,Erdelyi Daniel Janos,Hauser Peter,Juhasz Attila,Kelemen Agnes,Krivan Gergely,Masat Peter,Müller Judit,Nagy Csilla,Peter György,Renyi Imre,Szegedi Istvan,Vojcek Agnes,Zombori Marianna,Bardi Edit,Kovacs Gabor


AbstractThe Hungarian Pediatric Oncology Network provides centralized treatment and population-based registration for cases of childhood cancer since 1973. We collected and analized data on late mortality, secondary malignancies and cardiac diseases in survivors (> 5 years) of childhood cancer to evaluate long-term risks. We extracted all solid tumour cases (3,650 followed up for 5–39.3 years, diagnosis: 1973–2008) from the database of the Hungarian Childhood Cancer Registry and checked against the Population Registry. Among the 301 patients who died after 5 years (8.2%) the most common causes of death were progression of primary cancer (52.5%), secondary malignancies (16%) and cardiovascular diseases (8%). Late mortality rates (SMR, total: 35,006 pyrs) showed highly elevated risk of death (SMR: 10.7 95% CI 9–12.4) for the second 5 years of follow up and moderately elevated risk for 10-year survivors (SMR: 3.5 95% CI 3–4.1). Marked differences were detected in the pattern of causes of death between diagnostic groups of primary cancer; with highest risks beyond 10 years for CNS tumours, Hodgkin disease, osteosarcoma and advanced stage neuroblastoma. The longstanding mortality risk for 5-year survivors underlines the need for tailored long-term follow-up and monitoring of late consequences according to the context of different primary diseases of childhood cancer.


PanCareSurfUp consortium funded by EU grant


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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