Semiochemical-baited traps as a new method supplementing light traps for faunistic and ecological studies of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera)


Szanyi SzabolcsORCID,Molnár AttilaORCID,Szanyi KálmánORCID,Tóth MiklósORCID,Jósvai Júlia KatalinORCID,Varga ZoltánORCID,Nagy AntalORCID


AbstractAttractivity and selectivity of two types of traps with synthetic, long-lasting, bisexual generic attractants were compared to conventional light traps to promote their wider use, as an easy-to-use standardised method for entomology. The targeted herbivorous Macroheterocera species playing important role in ecosystems as food source for higher trophic levels (e.g. predatory arthropods, birds and mammals), while other hand they can cause significant economic loss in agriculture. Data on their population dynamic and composition of their assemblages are necessary for both nature conservation and efficient pest management. Light- and semiochemical-baited traps with semisynthetic- (SBL = the acronym stands for semisynthetic bisexual lure) and synthetic lures (FLO = the acronym stands for floral lure of synthetic floral compounds) were used in species rich area of West Ukraine, and in all 10,926 lepidopterans trapped were identified. The attractivity of the light trap was highest with 252 species caught, while traps with semiochemicals captured 132 species including 28 exclusively caught only by them. The qualitative selectivity of light vs. semiochemical-baited traps differed considering both taxa and habitat preferences in such a way that they completed each-other. Differences in quantitative selectivity were also proved even in case of pest species. The parameters of methods varied depending on the phenological phases of the studied assemblages. Considering the revealed attractivity and selectivity, the parallel use of the two methods can offer improved reliable data for conservation biology and pest management.


Nemzeti Kutatási Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal

University of Debrecen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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