Yan Yuhuan,Zhou Mingquan,Zhang Dan,Geng Shengling
AbstractThe Mexican Hat wavelet (MHW) is strictly derived from the heat kernel by taking its negative first-order derivative with respect to time t. As a solution to the heat equation that the heat kernel has a clear initial condition, the Laplace–Beltrami operator. Although the MHW descriptor can effectively characterize the model information, but it has poor robustness to the model with scale transformation, and the feature description performance is affected to some extent. Following a popular mathematical method, in this paper, we bases on the MHW to study scaling invariance and proposes a new shape descriptor, the scale-invariant Mexican Hat wavelet (SIMHW), which by logarithmic sampling and Fourier transform that obtains the expression of SIMHW in Fourier domain. The experimental results show that SIMHW has finer information description ability and stronger recognition ability, and has better robustness to various non-rigid transformations. It can correctly calculate the similarity between 3D shapes and realize the effective shape retrieval.
National Key R&D plan
National Nature Science Fundation of China
Key R&D and transformation plan of Qinghai Province
Independent project fund of State Key lab of Tibetan Intelligent Information Processing and Applicatio
Young and middle-aged scientific research fund of Qinghai Normal University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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1 articles.