A new flexible model for maintenance and feeding expenses that improves description of individual growth in insects


Mauritsson KarlORCID,Jonsson TomasORCID


AbstractMetabolic theories in ecology interpret ecological patterns at different levels through the lens of metabolism, typically applying allometric scaling to describe energy use. This requires a sound theory for individual metabolism. Common mechanistic growth models, such as ‘von Bertalanffy’, ‘dynamic energy budgets’ and the ‘ontogenetic growth model’ lack some potentially important aspects, especially regarding regulation of somatic maintenance. We develop a model for ontogenetic growth of animals, applicable to ad libitum and food limited conditions, based on an energy balance that expresses growth as the net result of assimilation and metabolic costs for maintenance, feeding and food processing. The most important contribution is the division of maintenance into a ‘non-negotiable’ and a ‘negotiable’ part, potentially resulting in hyperallometric scaling of maintenance and downregulated maintenance under food restriction. The model can also account for effects of body composition and type of growth at the cellular level. Common mechanistic growth models often fail to fully capture growth of insects. However, our model was able to capture empirical growth patterns observed in house crickets.



University of Skövde


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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