Research on the establishment of NDVI long-term data set based on a novel method


Fan Dongliang


AbstractThis study compares the relationship between different NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), the NDVI of AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) (NDVIa), the NDVI of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) (NDVIm), and the NDVI of VIRR (Visible and Infrared Radiometer) (NDVIv), and found that there is a significant correlation between the NDVIa and the NDVIm, and between the NDVIv and the NDVIa, the relationship between the three is NDVIv < NDVIa < NDVIm. Machine learning is an important method in artificial intelligence. It can solve some complex problems through algorithms. This research uses linear regression algorithm in machine learning to construct the Fengyun Satellite NDVI correction method. By constructing a linear regression model, the NDVI value of Fengyun Satellite VIRR is corrected to a level that is basically the same as NDVIm. The corrected correlation coefficients (R2) were significantly improved, and the corrected correlation coefficients were significantly improved, and the confidence levels were all significant correlations less than 0.01. It is proved that the corrected normalized vegetation index of Fengyun Satellite has significantly improved accuracy and product quality compared with the normalized vegetation index of MODIS.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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