Natal origin and age-specific egress of Pacific bluefin tuna from coastal nurseries revealed with geochemical markers


Rooker Jay R.,Wells R. J. David,Block Barbara A.,Liu Hui,Baumann Hannes,Chiang Wei-Chuan,Sluis Michelle Zapp,Miller Nathaniel R.,Mohan John A.,Ohshimo Seiji,Tanaka Yosuke,Dance Michael A.,Dewar Heidi,Snodgrass Owyn E.,Shiao Jen-Chieh


AbstractGeochemical chronologies were constructed from otoliths of adult Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT) to investigate the timing of age-specific egress of juveniles from coastal nurseries in the East China Sea or Sea of Japan to offshore waters of the Pacific Ocean. Element:Ca chronologies were developed for otolith Li, Mg, Mn, Zn, Sr, and Ba, and our assessment focused on the section of the otolith corresponding to the age-0 to age-1 + interval. Next, we applied a common time-series approach to geochemical profiles to identify divergences presumably linked to inshore-offshore migrations. Conspicuous geochemical shifts were detected during the juvenile interval for Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca, and Sr:Ca that were indicative of coastal-offshore transitions or egress generally occurring for individuals approximately 4–6 mo. old, with later departures (6 mo. or older) linked to overwintering being more limited. Changepoints in otolith Ba:Ca profiles were most common in the early age-1 period (ca. 12–16 mo.) and appear associated with entry into upwelling areas such as the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem following trans-Pacific migrations. Natal origin of PBT was also predicted using the early life portion of geochemical profile in relation to a baseline sample comprised of age-0 PBT from the two primary spawning areas in the East China Sea and Sea of Japan. Mixed-stock analysis indicated that the majority (66%) of adult PBT in our sample originated from the East China Sea, but individuals of Sea of Japan origin were also detected in the Ryukyu Archipelago.


NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy Program

McDaniel Charitable Foundation

NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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