Comparative analysis of high-speed videolaryngoscopy images and sound data simultaneously acquired from rigid and flexible laryngoscope: a pilot study


Pietruszewska Wioletta,Just Marcin,Morawska Joanna,Malinowski Jakub,Hoffman Joanna,Racino Anna,Barańska Magda,Kowalczyk Magdalena,Niebudek-Bogusz Ewa


AbstractHigh-Speed Videoendoscopy (HSV) is becoming a robust tool for the assessment of vocal fold vibration in laboratory investigation and clinical practice. We describe the first successful application of flexible High Speed Videoendoscopy with innovative laser light source conducted in clinical settings. The acquired image and simultaneously recorded audio data are compared to the results obtained by means of a rigid endoscope. We demonstrated that the HSV recordings with fiber-optic laryngoscope have enabled obtaining consistently bright, color images suitable for parametrization of vocal fold oscillation similarly as in the case of the HSV data obtained from a rigid laryngoscope. The comparison of period and amplitude perturbation parameters calculated on the basis of image and audio data acquired from flexible and rigid HSV recording objectively confirm that flexible High-Speed Videoendoscopy is a more suitable method for examination of natural phonation. The HSV-based measures generated from this kymographic analysis are arguably a superior representation of the vocal fold vibrations than the acoustic analysis because their quantification is independent of the vocal tract influences. This experimental study has several implications for further research in the field of HSV application in clinical assessment of glottal pathologies nature and its effect on vocal folds vibrations.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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