Skeletal convergence in thunniform sharks, ichthyosaurs, whales, and tunas, and its possible ecological links through the marine ecosystem evolution


Motani Ryosuke,Shimada Kenshu


AbstractTunas, lamnid sharks, modern whales, and derived ichthyosaurs converged on the thunniform body plan, with a fusiform body, lunate caudal fin, compressed peduncle, and peduncle joint. This evolutionary convergence has been studied for a long time but little is known about whether all four clades share any skeletal characteristics. Comparisons of vertebral centrum dimensions along the body reveal that the four clades indeed share three skeletal characteristics (e.g., thick vertebral column for its length), while an additional feature is shared by cetaceans, lamnid sharks, and ichthyosaurs and two more by lamnid sharks and ichthyosaurs alone. These vertebral features are all related to the mechanics of thunniform swimming through contributions to posterior concentration of tail-stem oscillation, tail stem stabilization, peduncle joint flexibility, and caudal fin angle fixation. Quantitative identifications of these features in fossil vertebrates would allow an inference of whether they were a thunniform swimmer. Based on measurements in the literature, mosasaurs lacked these features and were probably not thunniform swimmers, whereas a Cretaceous lamniform shark had a mosaic of thunniform and non-thunniform features. The evolution of thunniform swimming appears to be linked with the evolution of prey types and, in part, niche availability through geologic time.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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