A simple RNA preparation method for SARS-CoV-2 detection by RT-qPCR


Wozniak Aniela,Cerda Ariel,Ibarra-Henríquez Catalina,Sebastian Valentina,Armijo Grace,Lamig Liliana,Miranda Carolina,Lagos Marcela,Solari Sandra,Guzmán Ana María,Quiroga Teresa,Hitschfeld Susan,Riveras Eleodoro,Ferrés Marcela,Gutiérrez Rodrigo A.,García Patricia


AbstractThe technique RT-qPCR for viral RNA detection is the current worldwide strategy used for early detection of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. RNA extraction is a key pre-analytical step in RT-qPCR, often achieved using commercial kits. However, the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic is causing disruptions to the global supply chains used by many diagnostic laboratories to procure the commercial kits required for RNA extraction. Shortage in these essential reagents is even more acute in developing countries with no means to produce kits locally. We sought to find an alternative procedure to replace commercial kits using common reagents found in molecular biology laboratories. Here we report a method for RNA extraction that takes about 40 min to complete ten samples, and is not more laborious than current commercial RNA extraction kits. We demonstrate that this method can be used to process nasopharyngeal swab samples and yields RT-qPCR results comparable to those obtained with commercial kits. Most importantly, this procedure can be easily implemented in any molecular diagnostic laboratory. Frequent testing is crucial for individual patient management as well as for public health decision making in this pandemic. Implementation of this method could maintain crucial testing going despite commercial kit shortages.


Red de Salud UC-CHRISTUS

Department of Clinical Laboratories, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Millenium Institute for Integrative Biology – iBio

School of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Fondo de Desarrollo de Áreas Prioritarias (FONDAP) Center for Genome Regulation

Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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