Understanding belief in political statements using a model-driven experimental approach: a registered report


Perez Santangelo Agustín,Solovey Guillermo


Abstract Misinformation harms society by affecting citizens' beliefs and behaviour. Recent research has shown that partisanship and cognitive reflection (i.e. engaging in analytical thinking) play key roles in the acceptance of misinformation. However, the relative importance of these factors remains a topic of ongoing debate. In this registered study, we tested four hypotheses on the relationship between each factor and the belief in statements made by Argentine politicians. Participants (N = 1353) classified fact-checked political statements as true or false, completed a cognitive reflection test, and reported their voting preferences. Using Signal Detection Theory and Bayesian modeling, we found a reliable positive association between political concordance and overall belief in a statement (median = 0.663, CI95 = [0.640, 0.685]), a reliable positive association between cognitive reflection and scepticism (median = 0.039, CI95 = [0.006, 0.072]), a positive but unreliable association between cognitive reflection and truth discernment (median = 0.016, CI95 = [− 0.015, 0.046]) and a positive but unreliable association between cognitive reflection and partisan bias (median = 0.016, CI95 = [− 0.006, 0.037]). Our results highlight the need to further investigate the relationship between cognitive reflection and partisanship in different contexts and formats. Protocol registration The stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in principle on 22 August 2022. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be found at: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/EBRGC.


Universidad de Buenos Aires

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Springer Science and Business Media LLC










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