Velvet activated McrA plays a key role in cellular and metabolic development in Aspergillus nidulans


Lee Mi-Kyung,Son Ye-Eun,Park Hee-Soo,Alshannaq Ahmad,Han Kap-Hoon,Yu Jae-Hyuk


AbstractMcrA is a key transcription factor that functions as a global repressor of fungal secondary metabolism in Aspergillus species. Here, we report that mcrA is one of the VosA-VelB target genes and McrA governs the cellular and metabolic development in Aspergillus nidulans. The deletion of mcrA resulted in a reduced number of conidia and decreased mRNA levels of brlA, the key asexual developmental activator. In addition, the absence of mcrA led to a loss of long-term viability of asexual spores (conidia), which is likely associated with the lack of conidial trehalose and increased β-(1,3)-glucan levels in conidia. In supporting its repressive role, the mcrA deletion mutant conidia contain more amounts of sterigmatocystin and an unknown metabolite than the wild type conidia. While overexpression of mcrA caused the fluffy-autolytic phenotype coupled with accelerated cell death, deletion of mcrA did not fully suppress the developmental defects caused by the lack of the regulator of G-protein signaling protein FlbA. On the contrary to the cellular development, sterigmatocystin production was restored in the ΔflbA ΔmcrA double mutant, and overexpression of mcrA completely blocked the production of sterigmatocystin. Overall, McrA plays a multiple role in governing growth, development, spore viability, and secondary metabolism in A. nidulans.


KRIBB Research Initiative Program

National Research Foundation of Korea

Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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