Booranaseensuntorn Pornpuk,Boonsombat Jutatip,Thongnest Sanit,Batsomboon Paratchata,Reuk-Ngam Nanthawan,Khlaychan Panita,Ruchisansakun Saroj,Kittakoop Prasat,Techasakul Supanna,Mahidol Chulabhorn,Ruchirawat Somsak
AbstractTwelve polyoxygenated cyclohex(a/e)ne diterpene esters, named albiflorenes A–L (1–12), were isolated from the whole plants of Kaempferia albiflora, known as “Prao Mang Mum.” Their structures and relative stereochemistry were determined by extensive spectroscopic analysis. Furthermore, the comparison of experimental electronic circular dichroism (ECD) curves with the curves predicted by TDDFT was used to determine the absolute configurations. Albiflorenes contain polyoxygenated cyclohexane (or cyclohexene) derivatives, which are linked to either isopimarane or abietane diterpene acid units. The discovery marks the first occurrence of a conjugate between polyoxygenated cyclohexane (or cyclohexene) rings and diterpenoids. Among the isolates, albiflorene C specifically exhibited antibacterial activity against Bacillus cereus with MIC and MBC values of 3.13 and 6.25 μg/mL, respectively.
Chulabhorn Graduate Scholarship Commemorating the 84th Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej the Great
Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI), Chulabhorn Research Institute
Springer Science and Business Media LLC