Critical scaling of a two-orbital topological model with extended neighboring couplings


Kartik Y. R.,Kumar Ranjith R.,Sarkar Sujit


AbstractExtended-range models are the interesting systems, which has been widely used to understand the non-local properties of the fermions at quantum scale. We aim to study the interplay between criticality and extended range couplings under various symmetry constraints. Here, we consider a two orbital Bernevig–Hughes–Zhang model in one dimension with longer (finite neighbor) and long-range (infinite neighbor) couplings. We study the behavior of model using scaling laws and universality class for models with Hermitian, parity-time ($$\mathscr{P}\mathscr{T}$$ P T ) symmetric and broken time-reversal symmetries. We observe the interesting results on multi-criticalities, where the universality class of critical exponent is different than the normal criticalities. Also, the results can be generalized by considering the interplay between criticalities and different symmetry classes of Hamiltonian. Also, with the introduction of extended-range of coupling, there occurs different criticalities, and we provide the analogy to characterize their universality classes. We also show the violation of Lorentz invariance at multi-criticalities and evaluation of short-range limit in long-range models as the highlights of this work.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC







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