Mean performances, character associations and multi-environmental evaluation of chilli landraces in north western Himalayas


Singh Thakur Narender,Joshi A. K.,Vikram Amit,Yadav Nitin,Prashar Sakshi


AbstractEven though many varieties have been recommended across agro-climate zones of Himachal Pradesh, yet the information on stability is lacking in this State. Hence, the present investigation was carried out to identify high yielding stable genotypes among various pre-adapted landraces. The material consists of 20 chilli landraces including check i.e. DKC-8. The experiment was laid out in a RCBD. The data were recorded and analyzed to work out mean performances and the inferences were drawn for parameters of variability, correlation coefficients, path coefficients and stability analysis. As per mean performances, CS7 and CS9 were earliest in flowering, CS13 is earliest in days to ripe maturity, CS10 had highest plant height and CS9 had highest average fruit weight and ripe fruit yield plant−1. High PCV and GCV were recorded for ripe fruit yield plant−1. Heritability and genetic advance were recorded maximum for plant height in summer seasons and were recorded maximum for number of ripe fruits plant−1 in winter season. Correlation coefficients showed that number of ripe fruits plant−1 and average ripe fruit weight were positively and significantly correlated with ripe fruit yield plant−1. Path coefficient analysis in summer and winter seasons showed that average ripe fruit weight had the highest positive direct effect on ripe fruit yield plant−1. The pooled data over environments were analyzed to estimate the interaction effects between genotypes × environment. The mean sum of squares due to genotypes, environments and genotypes × environment interaction were significant for all the characteristics. CS1, CS3, CS6, CS10, CS13, CS15 were adapted to all environments, CS7 and CS9 were specifically adapted to favourable environment and CS2 was specifically adapted to unfavorable environment for 50% flowering, landraces CS1, CS2 and CS3were well adapted to all environments for ripe maturity whereas landraces CS6, CS10 and CS19 were well adapted to all environment for number of ripe fruit and ripe fruit yield.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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