Horisawa Kenichi,Miura Shizuka,Araki Hiromitsu,Miura Fumihito,Ito Takashi,Suzuki Atsushi
AbstractDirect reprogramming, inducing the conversion of one type of somatic cell into another by the forced expression of defined transcription factors, is a technology with anticipated medical applications. However, due to the many unresolved aspects of the induction mechanisms, it is essential to thoroughly analyze the epigenomic state of the generated cells. Here, we performed comparative genome-wide DNA methylation analyses of mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and cells composing organoids formed by intestinal stem cells (ISCs) or induced ISCs (iISCs) that were directly induced from MEFs. We found that the CpG methylation state was similar between cells forming ISC organoids and iISC organoids, while they differed widely from those in MEFs. Moreover, genomic regions that were differentially methylated between ISC organoid- and iISC organoid-forming cells did not significantly affect gene expression. These results demonstrate the accuracy and safety of iISC induction, leading to the medical applications of this technology.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
Takeda Science Foundation
Uehara Memorial Foundation
Kato Memorial Trust for Nambyo Research
Suzuken Memorial Foundation
Naito Foundation
Shinnihon Foundation of Advanced Medical Treatment Research
Springer Science and Business Media LLC