Micro- and nanometric characterization of the celestite skeleton of acantharian species (Radiolaria, Rhizaria)


Fujimaki Rina,Suzuki Noritoshi,Kimoto Katsunori,Nagai Yukiko,Oaki Yuya,Shimode Shinji,Toyofuku Takashi,Imai Hiroaki


AbstractWe clarified the specific micrometric arrangement and nanometric structure of the radiolarian crystalline spines that are not a simple single crystal. A body of the celestite (SrSO4) skeleton of acantharian Acanthometra cf. multispina (Acanthometridae) composed of 20 radial spines having four blades was characterized using microfocus X-ray computed tomography. The regular arrangement of three types of spines was clarified with the connection of the blades around the root of each spine. The surface of the spines was covered with a chitin-based organic membrane to prevent from dissolution in seawater. In the nanometric scale, the mesocrystalline structure that consists of nanoscale grains having distorted single-crystal nature was revealed using scanning- and transmission electron microscopies, electron diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy. The acantharian skeletons have a crystallographically controlled architecture that is covered with a protective organic membrane. These facts are important for penetrating the nature of biogenic minerals.


Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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