Comparison of analysis methods to classify cholera hotspots in Ethiopia from 2015 to 2021


Demlie Yeshambel Worku,Moore Sandra,Dunoyer Jessica,Muluneh Dereje,Hussen Mukemil,Wossen Mesfin,Edosa Moti,Sudre Bertrand


AbstractCholera continues to represent a major public health concern in Ethiopia. The country has developed a Multi-sectoral National Cholera Elimination Plan in 2022, which targets prevention and control interventions in cholera hotspots. Multiple methods to classify cholera hotspots have been used in several countries. Since 2014, a classification method developed by United Nations Children's Fund has been applied to guide water, sanitation and hygiene interventions throughout Sub-Saharan Africa based on three outbreak parameters: frequency, duration and standardized attack rate. In 2019, the Global Task Force on Cholera Control (GTFCC) proposed a method based on two parameters: average annual cholera incidence and persistence. In 2023, an updated GTFCC method for multisectoral interventions considers three epidemiological indicators (cumulative incidence, cumulative mortality and persistence,) and a cholera-case confirmation indicator. The current study aimed to classify cholera hotspots in Ethiopia at the woreda level (equivalent to district level) applying the three methods and comparing the results to optimize the hotspot targeting strategy. From 2015 to 2021, cholera hotspots were located along major routes between Addis Ababa and woredas adjacent to the Kenya and Somalia borders, throughout Tigray Region, around Lake Tana, and in Afar Region. The multi-method comparison enables decision makers to prioritize interventions according to a sub-classification of the highest-priority areas.


UNICEF Ethiopia


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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