Neurokinin receptor mechanisms in forebrain medial septum modulate nociception in the formalin model of inflammatory pain


Ng Si Yun,Ariffin Mohammed Zacky,Khanna Sanjay


AbstractThe present study has explored the hypothesis that neurokinin1 receptors (NK1Rs) in medial septum (MS) modulate nociception evoked on hind paw injection of formalin. Indeed, the NK1Rs in MS are localized on cholinergic neurons which have been implicated in nociception. In anaesthetized rat, microinjection of L-733,060, an antagonist at NK1Rs, into MS antagonized the suppression of CA1 population spike (PS) evoked on peripheral injection of formalin or on intraseptal microinjection of substance P (SP), an agonist at NK1Rs. The CA1 PS reflects the synaptic excitability of pyramidal cells in the region. Furthermore, microinjection of L-733,060 into MS, but not LS, attenuated formalin-induced theta activation in both anaesthetized and awake rat, where theta reflects an oscillatory information processing by hippocampal neurons. The effects of L-733,060 on microinjection into MS were nociceptive selective as the antagonist did not block septo-hippocampal response to direct MS stimulation by the cholinergic receptor agonist, carbachol, in anaesthetized animal or on exploration in awake animal. Interestingly, microinjection of L-733,060 into both MS and LS attenuated formalin-induced nociceptive flinches. Collectively, the foregoing novel findings highlight that transmission at NK1R provide an affective valence to septo-hippocampal information processing and that peptidergic transmission in the septum modulates nociceptive behaviours.


National Medical Research Council

National University of Singapore

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine

Ministry of Education - Singapore


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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