Paludiculture can support biodiversity conservation in rewetted fen peatlands


Martens H. R.,Laage K.,Eickmanns M.,Drexler A.,Heinsohn V.,Wegner N.,Muster C.,Diekmann M.,Seeber E.,Kreyling J.,Michalik P.,Tanneberger F.


AbstractPaludiculture, the productive use of wet or rewetted peatlands, offers an option for continued land use by farmers after rewetting formerly drained peatlands, while reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from peat soils. Biodiversity conservation may benefit, but research on how biodiversity responds to paludiculture is scarce. We conducted a multi-taxon study investigating vegetation, breeding bird and arthropod diversity at six rewetted fen sites dominated by Carex or Typha species. Sites were either unharvested, low- or high-intensity managed, and were located in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in northeastern Germany. Biodiversity was estimated across the range of Hill numbers using the iNEXT package, and species were checked for Red List status. Here we show that paludiculture sites can provide biodiversity value even while not reflecting historic fen conditions; managed sites had high plant diversity, as well as Red Listed arthropods and breeding birds. Our study demonstrates that paludiculture has the potential to provide valuable habitat for species even while productive management of the land continues.


Biodiv Clim ERA-Net COFUND programme

Universität Greifswald


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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