AbstractSilk degumming is considered the first point in the preparation of silk-based materials since this process could modify the silk fiber and the properties of its related products. This study evaluated the differences in morphology, secondary structure, amino acid content, thermal stability, and mechanical properties of two types of raw materials, defective cocoons (DC) and silk fibrous waste (SW), degummed by chemical (C) and autoclaving (A) methods. Subsequently, silk fibroin films were prepared by dissolving each type of degummed fibers, and thermal and structural films properties were determined. The findings demonstrated that autoclaving is an efficient alternative to remove silk sericin, as the resulting fibers presented improved structural, thermal, and mechanical properties compared to those obtained by the chemical method. For films preparation, autoclave resulted in a good option, but dissolution parameters need to be adjusted for defective cocoons. Furthermore, similarities between the physicochemical properties of fibers and films from both fibrous wastes suggest that SW is a promising raw material for producing fibrous resources and regenerated silk fibroin materials. Overall, these findings suggest new recycling methods for fibrous waste and by-products generated in the silk textile production process.
Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Colombia
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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