Unusual microwave heating of water in reverse micellar solution


Murakami Hiroshi


AbstractMicrowaves (MWs) are widely used for heating food, accelerating chemical reactions, drying materials, therapies, and so on. Water molecules absorb MWs and produce heat because of their substantial electric dipole moments. Recently, increasing attention has been paid to accelerating various catalytic reactions in water-containing porous materials using MW irradiation. Here, a critical question is whether water in nanoscale pores generates heat in the same way as liquid water. Is it valid that MW-heating behaviors of nanoconfined water are estimated solely by a dielectric constant of liquid water? There are almost no studies regarding this question. Here, we address it using reverse micellar (RM) solutions. Reverse micelles are water-containing nanoscale cages formed by self-assembled surfactant molecules in oil. We measured real-time temperature changes of liquid samples within a waveguide under MW irradiation at 2.45 GHz and at MW intensities of ~ 3 to ~ 12 W/cm2. We found that the heat production and its rate per unit volume of water in the RM solution are about one order of magnitude larger than those of liquid water at all the MW intensities examined. This indicates that water spots that are much hotter than liquid water under MW irradiation at the same intensity, are formed in the RM solution. Our findings will give fundamental information to develop effective and energy-saving chemical reactions in nanoscale reactors with water under MW irradiation, and to study MW effects on various aqueous mediums with nanoconfined water. Furthermore, the RM solution will serve as a platform to study the impact of nanoconfined water on MW-assisted reactions.


Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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