Baseline and Disease-Induced Transcriptional Profiles in Children with Sickle Cell Disease


Creary Susan,Shrestha Chandra L.,Kotha Kavitha,Minta Abena,Fitch James,Jaramillo Lisa,Zhang Shuzhong,Pinto Swaroop,Thompson Rohan,Ramilo Octavio,White Peter,Mejias Asuncion,Kopp Benjamin T.


AbstractAcute chest syndrome (ACS) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in sickle cell disease (SCD), but preventive, diagnostic, and therapeutic options are limited. Further, ACS and acute vasoccclusive pain crises (VOC) have overlapping features, which causes diagnostic dilemmas. We explored changes in gene expression profiles among patients with SCD hospitalized for VOC and ACS episodes to better understand ACS disease pathogenesis. Whole blood RNA-Seq was performed for 20 samples from children with SCD at baseline and during a hospitalization for either an ACS (n = 10) or a VOC episode (n = 10). Respiratory viruses were identified from nasopharyngeal swabs. Functional gene analyses were performed using modular repertoires, IPA, Gene Ontology, and NetworkAnalyst 3.0. The VOC group had a numerically higher percentage of female, older, and hemoglobin SS participants compared to the ACS group. Viruses were detected in 50% of ACS cases and 20% of VOC cases. We identified 3004 transcripts that were differentially expressed during ACS episodes, and 1802 transcripts during VOC episodes. Top canonical pathways during ACS episodes were related to interferon signaling, neuro-inflammation, pattern recognition receptors, and macrophages. Top canonical pathways in patients with VOC included IL-10 signaling, iNOS signaling, IL-6 signaling, and B cell signaling. Several genes related to antimicrobial function were down-regulated during ACS compared to VOC. Gene enrichment nodal interactions demonstrated significantly altered pathways during ACS and VOC. A complex network of changes in innate and adaptive immune gene expression were identified during both ACS and VOC episodes. These results provide unique insights into changes during acute events in children with SCD.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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