Genome-wide association mapping for wheat morphometric seed traits in Iranian landraces and cultivars under rain-fed and well-watered conditions


Rabieyan Ehsan,Bihamta Mohammad Reza,Moghaddam Mohsen Esmaeilzadeh,Mohammadi Valiollah,Alipour Hadi


AbstractSeed traits in bread wheat are valuable to breeders and farmers, thus it is important exploring putative QTLs responsible for key traits to be used in breeding programs. GWAS was carried out using 298 bread wheat landraces and cultivars from Iran to uncover the genetic basis of seed characteristics in both rain-fed and well-watered environments. The analyses of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between marker pairs showed that the largest number of significant LDs in landraces (427,017) and cultivars (370,359) was recorded in genome B, and the strongest LD was identified on chromosome 4A (0.318). LD decay was higher in the B and A genomes, compared to the D genome. Mapping by using mrMLM (LOD > 3) and MLM (0.05/m, Bonferroni) led to 246 and 67 marker-trait associations (MTAs) under rain-fed, as well as 257 and 74 MTAs under well-watered conditions, respectively. The study found that 3VmrMLM correctly detected all types of loci and estimated their effects in an unbiased manner, with high power and accuracy and a low false positive rate, which led to the identification of 140 MTAs (LOD > 3) in all environments. Gene ontology revealed that 10 and 10 MTAs were found in protein-coding regions for rain-fed and well-watered conditions, respectively. The findings suggest that landraces studied in Iranian bread wheat germplasm possess valuable alleles, which are responsive to water-limited conditions. MTAs uncovered in this study can be exploited in the genome-mediated development of novel wheat cultivars.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC









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