Determination of thresholds of risk in women at average risk of breast cancer to personalize the organized screening program


Bonnet Emmanuel,Daures Jean-Pierre,Landais Paul


AbstractIn France, more than 10 million women at ”average” risk of breast cancer (BC), are included in the organized BC screening. Existing predictive models of BC risk are not adapted to the French population. Thus, we set up a new score in the French Hérault region and looked for subgroups at a graded level of risk in women at ”average” risk. We recruited a retrospective cohort of women, aged 50 to 60, who underwent the organized BC screening, and included 2241 non-cancer women and 527 who developed a BC during a 12-year follow-up period (2006-2018). The risk factors identified were high breast density (ACR BI-RADS grading)(B vs A: HR = 1.41, 95%CI [1.05; 1.9], p = 0.023; C vs A: HR = 1.65 [1.2; 2.27], p = 0.02 ; D vs A: HR = 2.11 [1.25;3.58], p = 0.006), a history of maternal breast cancer (HR = 1.61 [1.24; 2.09], p < 0.001), and socioeconomic difficulties (HR 1.23 [1.09; 1.55], p = 0.003). While early menopause (HR = 0.36 [0.13; 0.99], p = 0.003) and an age at menarche after 12 years (HR = 0.77 [0.63; 0.95], p = 0.047) were protective factors. We identified 3 groups at risk: lower, average, and higher, respectively. A low threshold was characterized at 1.9% of 12-year risk and a high threshold at 4.5% 12-year risk. Mean 12-year risks in the 3 groups of risk were 1.37%, 2.68%, and 5.84%, respectively. Thus, 12% of women presented a level of risk different from the average risk group, corresponding to 600,000 women involved in the French organized BC screening, enabling to propose a new strategy to personalize the national BC screening. On one hand, for women at lower risk, we proposed to reduce the frequency of mammograms and on the other hand, for women at higher risk, we suggested intensifying surveillance.


Nîmes University Hospital

Université de Montpellier


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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