Hemoglobin and cytochrome c. reinterpreting the origins of oxygenation and oxidation in erythrocytes and in vivo cancer lung cells


Abramczyk HalinaORCID,Surmacki Jakub MaciejORCID,Kopeć MonikaORCID,Jarczewska KarolinaORCID,Romanowska-Pietrasiak BeataORCID


AbstractMaintaining life (respiration), cell death (apoptosis), oxygen transport and immunity are main biological functions of heme containing proteins. These functions are controlled by the axial ligands and the redox status of the iron ion (oscillations between Fe2+ and Fe3+) in the heme group. This paper aims to evaluate the current state of knowledge on oxidation and oxygenation effects in heme proteins. We determined the redox status of the iron ion in whole blood (without and with anticoagulant), hemoglobin in erythrocytes, in isolated cytochrome c and cytochrome c in mitochondria of the human lung cancer cells using UV–VIS electronic absorption spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Raman imaging. Here we discussed the mechanism responsible for the Q electronic absorption band spectral behavior, i.e., its splitting, and its change in extinction coefficient, as well as vibrational modifications upon oxygenation and oxidation. We compared the redox status of heme in hemoglobin of human erythrocytes and cytochrome c in mitochondria of human lung cancer cells. Presented results allow simultaneous identification of oxy- and deoxy-Hb, where 1547 and 1604 cm−1 vibrations correspond to deoxygenated hemoglobin, while 1585 and 1638 cm−1 correspond to oxyhemoglobin, respectively. Our results extend knowledge of oxidation and oxygenation effects in heme proteins. We demonstrated experimentally the mechanism of electronic-vibrational coupling for the Q band splitting. Presented results extend knowledge on oxidation and oxygenation effects in heme proteins and provide evidence that both processes are strongly coupled. We showed that retinoic acid affects the redox state of heme in cytochrome c in mitochondria. The change of the redox status of cytochrome c in mitochondria from the oxidized form to the reduced form has very serious consequences in dysfunction of mitochondria resulting in inhibition of respiration, apoptosis and cytokine induction.


Narodowe Centrum Nauki


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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