Study on the hydrothermal coupling characteristics of polyurethane insulation boards slope protection structure incorporating phase change effect


Liu Hailiang,Ma Donghe,Wang Changming,Liu Xiaoyang,Wu Di,Li Bailong,Khan Kaleem Ullah Jan


AbstractThe canals are essential for agricultural irrigation, shipping and industry as important hydraulic infrastructure. In the seasonal freeze regions, the water conveyance canals are damaged due to the effects of freeze–thaw cycles. The freeze depth of soil in the water transfer canal varies considerably due to changes in temperature and water content. This paper compared the relationship of freeze depth, temperature and water content by field tests and numerical calculation methods by incorporating phase change. The results from present study showed that the decrease in temperature causes the water in the soil to freeze, the ice front migrated downwards, and the water in soil below ice front gradually migrated towards the ice front resulting in a large difference in water content of the soil before and after freezing. The Polyurethane insulation board + Concrete board slope structure (PC) as an insulation slope structure was proposed in this paper to mitigate the effect of freezing and thawing on the water conveyance canals. The freeze depth decreased significantly under the protective effect. In addition, this paper compared the anti-frost effect of different thicknesses of polyurethane insulation boards, and the results provided a reference for the anti-frost design of water conveyance canals.


National Natural Science Foundation of China


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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