Face mask is an efficient tool to fight the Covid-19 pandemic and some factors increase the probability of its adoption


Damette Olivier,Huynh Toan Luu Duc


AbstractThis study examines the dynamic impact of face mask use on both infected cases and fatalities at a global scale by using a rich set of panel data econometrics. An increase of 100% of the proportion of people declaring wearing a mask (multiply by two) over the studied period lead to a reduction of around 12 and 13.5% of the number of Covid-19 infected cases (per capita) after 7 and 14 days respectively. The delay of action varies from around 7 days to 28 days concerning infected cases but is more longer concerning fatalities. Our results hold when using the rigorous controlling approach. We also document the increasing adoption of mask use over time and the drivers of mask adoption. In addition, population density and pollution levels are significant determinants of heterogeneity regarding mask adoption across countries, while altruism, trust in government and demographics are not. However, individualism index is negatively correlated with mask adoption. Finally, strict government policies against Covid-19 have a strong significant effect on mask use.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



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